Clarification on scheduling change

On Tuesday, we reported on Twitter that Springfield Central and Everett would be linking up for a Sept. 13 game this coming season . However, since then, a few things have changed. Springfield Central is now back to playing Central Catholic on that weekend, as is Everett with Xaverian. Those were the original matchups scheduled, but Springfield Central and Everett fell victim to some mutual confusion over the dates involved. The source of the miscommunication stemmed from rotation into the extra week that the 2019 season has built in. Here is the explanation of that framework on the Massachusetts High School Football Coaches Association website : In the case of Everett and Springfield Central, the Week 1A/Week 1 distinction that does not exist most seasons threw everything off-kilter. From what we were able to gather, there was not any willful attempt on anyone's part to drop one opponent for another. This was simply an error of trying to schedule games without having ev...